Tango & Cash

It's not your gun now!
It's evidence.
-Why's your gun here?
-They stoIe it.

TeII me what you did.
I don't know this man.
I didn't come with him.

So with your permission,
I'II be Ieaving. Ciao.

You didn't come with him,
but you're Ieaving with him.

You're making a mistake.
You're going down for this.
Get these bastards out of here!
-You're bad karma.
-I hope you got a good Iawyer.

Perret says use this tape.

-Did Tango shoot a federaI officer?
-No comment.

Was Cash there too?
No comment.
What do they have?
They got a .380
with Cash's fingerprints.

They think it's the murder weapon.
BaIIistics is checking it.

They were at the scene of the crime.
No one was seen coming or going.

What eIse?
The tape is ready.
What tape?

-Show us the money.
-lt's in the suitcase.

-Open it.
-lt's all there.

-Count it if you want to.
-We want to.

Where's the stuff?
Right here.
Direct from the police lockup.

You know, l like dealing with cops.
lt restores my low opinion
of human nature.

ln that case, you'll love this.
Lts. Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash,
two highly-decorated officers...
