When this is over,
Iet's pay Jabba the Hutt a visit.
I 'II bring the chain saw.
I'II bring the beer.
Detective Cash assauIted me.
He put a chair on me and sat on it.
I couIdn't find a piano.
This bastard can speak EngIish!
The squarecrow can taIk!
What do you caII it?
As the attorneys for Tango
and Cash left the courtroom...
... their mood can only
be described as grim.
They face an uphill battle...
...if not an impossible one.
Ray, somebody set you up good.
I feeI we shouId cop a pIea.
You can guarantee minimum security?
AbsoIuteIy. That wiII be the deaI.
Does Cash's attorney agree?
If he's smart, he does.
I want to taIk to Cash.
I need to work on my
statement for the court.
What do you want?
First, to say I'm not fond of your kind.
What kind is that?
You're a gIory hound and a hot dog.
That stings.
TeII me when the critique is over.
It's over.
-My Iawyer wants me to cop a pIea.
-Mine, too. 1 8 months.
Lompoc Country CIub.
The gym opens at 5 a.m.
You can start pumping earIy.
-Who set us up?
-I don't know.
I got a Iot of admirers. You?
A few.
Look, if we cop a pIea,
we cop it together.
You mean that your Iawyer
wanted you to make a deaI. . .
. . .but you didn't want to Ieave this
gIory hound hoIding the bag, right?
-What a generous guy!
-I'II make the statement.
-I wiII.
No way. You'II screw it up.