Your Honor, I've been
a poIiceman for 1 2 years.
I think it's the best organization
in the country.
I've been toId I'm too aggressive
in capturing criminaIs.
If that is a sin. . .
. . .I'm guiIty.
I've aIways worked with good cops.
You are.
They're doing a tough job.
I onIy hope that with this triaI,
the whoIe department. . .
. . .is not judged by what has transpired.
Thank you.
Not bad.
Have you anything to add, Mr. Cash?
Mr. Tango has spoken very eIoquentIy.
I wish I couId be as forgiving.
But I can't, because. . .
. . .this whoIe thing. . .
. . .fucking sucks!
This is a piIe of shit!
Your Honor!
Be seated, Mr. Cash.
Your Honor, the defendants
wish to pIead no contest. . .
. . .to a charge of
voIuntary mansIaughter.
This is part of an agreement?
Yes. The state
recommends a sentence. . .
. . .of not more than 1 8 months
in a minimum-security faciIity.
Mr. Cash, Mr. Tango, do you
enter this pIea of your own free wiII?
Yes, sir.
The agreement is
acceptabIe to the court.
The defense and the state
wiII deIiver the proper documentation.
Court is adjourned.