Ever hear of shock absorbers?
WeIcome to CIub Fed.
What a vacation!
End of the Iine. Get out.
You, this way!
What do you have to say now, genius?
I don't think there's
a goIf course here.
Make yourseIves
at home sweet home, boys.
This is a mistake, right?
My underwear is riding into my throat.
They're not there?!
They were on the bus!
I'm trying to trace them.
They were transferred
off the bus near VictorviIIe.
We got to find them.
Your underwear probIem is soIved.
I noticed. You can stop
hoIding in your stomach.
Come on! Somebody bribed the
prison board! That's why we're here!
They're as crooked as
everybody eIse in this deaI.
I'II teII you one thing.
Whoever set us up is fucking connected.
Do you think it's Quan?
No, wait! I got it!
It's Lopez!
Lopez! FoIIow me through here.
Lopez has a guy pretend
to try and kiII me. . .
. . .and cIaim that Quan hired him.
He feeds me bogus information
about the setup.
Lopez figures, no matter what,
I'II think it was Quan.
AII the time it's Lopez,
and now I know it.
What do you think?
That with your I.Q., you're unarmed
and stiII very dangerous.
If you're so smart, teII me
who set us up, SherIock HoImes.
-I don't know yet.
-You don't know shit!
What are you doing?
Don't fIatter yourseIf.