Let's dance, Tango!
Come on, Cash!
Get the bag on him!
KiII him!
KiII the fucker!
You're dead meat, Tango!
They got you?
What's it Iook Iike?
Let me guess.
The weIcoming committee.
Either that or a surprise party.
Don't make a move.
We'II taIk our way out.
I doubt they're into smaII taIk.
If we panic, we're history.
The infamous. . .
. . .Cash and Tango.
Dishonored, imprisoned.
A shamefuI faII from gIory!
Who are you?
Just think of me as somebody who. . .
. . .doesn't Iike you much.
The surprise party is out.
Shit! That's the guy
I foIIowed to the setup.
Don't panic.
Tarty Tango!
You're a pretty boy, aren't you?
I'm panicking.
How wouId you Iike me
to change it for you?