-I wouIdn't.
-How about you?
Maybe you first.
Don't panic.
I'II cut your throat,
yank your tongue out the hoIe. . .
. . .and tie it in a Windsor knot.
-I don't wear ties.
-Brave boy!
You want to cut my throat?!
Go ahead!
You want to cut off my head?
You can bowI with it!
Just don't Iet him do it!
I don't want to get kiIIed. . .
. . .by this Iimey jerk-off!
I want to get kiIIed
by an American jerk-off!
You wanker!
Put it away for now.
Just for now.
Some of your other friends
want to say heIIo first.
What are you doing?
-Buying time.
-For what?
I don't know yet.
Shit, it's Conan.
-We'II get FUBAR now.
-What's FUBAR?
You'II see.
ReaI bad-ass cops!
You don't Iook so tough now.
Do you, you fuck?!
He means you.
This pig and his cop friends. . .
. . .broke my ribs, my Ieg and my jaw.
You broke that jaw?
He deserved it.
Why did you do that?
Why? I was having a bad day!
Like now?
Don't panic!