Are those big enough?
I aIways knew we had
the same taste in weaponry.
Check out my new invention
in senior citizen home protection.
WeII, you know,
the gun boots are great.
See you, buddy.
Knock, knock.
From the Iook of your diet,
you're not counting caIories.
Too busy counting the money
you got for setting us up?!
I didn't set you up.
Am I judging you unfairIy?
HeII, yes! I had nothing to do with it!
Nothing to do with it?
Can we be frank?
You're Iooking anemic.
You need. . .a IittIe iron in your diet.
You switched those weapons. . .
. . .and pIanted the murder weapon
at the scene, didn't you?
They paid me.
I don't know.
You FBI guys are brainy.
Think, think!
An EngIishman with red hair.
And a ponytaiI.
"You're going down for this. "
Remember those Iyrics?
But you're going down.
It doesn't matter. They want me dead.
My Iife isn't worth shit.
That's true. But I need you anyway.
Take me in! I'II teII them
aII I know! We'II heIp each other.
I hope you got paid weII, WyIer.
Want to spIit it?