Hang on. I'll be up there in a second.
Hey, you guys are milkin' that job.
Yeah, it's just because we love freezing
our butts off out here for you so much.
Bring me another hammer!
- Hey, Bud!
- Yeah!
Hippy's on the bitch box!
It's a call from topside.
That new company man.
- Kirkhill?
- Yeah.
That guy don't know his butt from a rathole.
Perry, square away this mud hose
and get rid of some of these empty sacks.
- It's starting to look like my apartment.
- You got it, boss!
- Bud, pick up the topside line. Urgent.
- I'm coming!
I'm coming! Jesus! Keep your pantyhose on!
Brigman here.
Yeah, Kirkhill. What's goin' on?
Yeah, I'm calm.
I'm a calm person. Is there some reason
why I shouldn't be calm?
I am on last feed now.
Can you get that goddamn hippy shit music
off the comm line, please?
I'm almost done with the shut-off valve.
Sonny, I'm right behind you
with the next fitting.
Hang on a second.
- OK, give it to me.
- Here you go.
Thanks, sweetie.
All divers, drop what you're doin'.
Everybody out of the pool.
I mean everybody right now.
Sonny, One Night, let's go.