Damn it. We just got out here.
There was a time when I woulda asked why.
- Get a move on!
- Shit, woman!
Deepcore, Deepcore.
This is Flatbed preparing to surface.
Roger, Flatbed. Come on up.
All rig personnel assemble at the moon pool.
Everybody get to sub-bay. ASAP.
Come on. Let's get his hat off.
- Take it off.
- What the hell's goin' on?
- How come we got recalled?
- The hell if I know.
I got it.
- What's the drift, pardner? Why are we up?
- Just follow standard procedure.
Flog your dog till somebody
tells you what's happenin'.
- What's the story, boss?
- Folks, listen up!
We just been told to shut down the hole
and prepare to move the rig.
- Oh, shit!
- What?
We've received an invitation to, um,
cooperate in a matter of national security.
Now you know as much as I do.
Get your gear off and get to control.
We've got a briefing in ten minutes.
Come on! Let's move it!
At 0922 local time today
an American nuclear submarine,
the USS Montana,
with 156 men aboard, went down
- about 22 miles from here.
- Damn!
There's been no contact with the sub since
then. The cause of the incident is not known.
Your company has authorised
the navy's use of this facility
for a rescue operation
code-named Operation Salvor.
- You want us to search for the sub?
- No. We know where it is.
But she's in 2,000 feet of water
and we can't reach her.
We need divers to enter the sub
and search for survivors... if any.
Don't you have your own stuff for this?
By the time we get our submersibles here,
the storm'll be on us.
You can get your rig in and be on site
in 15 hours. That makes you our best option.
Why should we risk our butts
for something like this?
I have been authorised
to offer you all special bonuses