All right. What would you like us to call you?
There we go!
Y'all start equalisin'... now!
Let's watch each other closely
for signs of HPNS.
High pressure nervous syndrome.
Muscle tremors, usually in the hands first.
- Nausea, excitability...
- Disorientation.
And a partridge in a pear tree.
About one person in 20 can't handle it.
They just go buggo.
Look, they've all made runs to this depth.
- They checked out.
- I understand that.
What I'm saying is it's impossible to predict
- just who's susceptible.
- They checked out.
- These guys the SEALs?
- Yeah.
Those guys ain't so tough.
I've fought guys plenty tougher than them.
Now we get to hear
how you could have been a contender?
- You see this?
- Yeah.
They used to call this the hammer.
Y'all done to a turn and ready to serve.
Everybody OK?
- They're really very sweet.
- Yeah.
Hey! I don't remember putting a wall here.
How you doin', Jammer?
- Pretty good. How are you, little lady?
- I'm OK.
I want a full check on their gear.
These guys are about as much fun
as a tax audit.
Hippy, you're gonna give that rat a disease.