We got Russian subs creeping around.
Anything goes wrong,
they could say whatever they want happened.
Relax, will you?
You're making the women nervous.
- Cute, Virgil.
- You know,
those SEALs ain't tellin' us diddly.
Something is goin' on!
- Come on, come on.
- Hippy, you think everything's a conspiracy.
Everything is.
Coffey's splitting with Flatbed!
I showed him how to work the controls
and they're outta here!
- Didn't you tell him we need it?
- Yeah!
- Where the hell is he takin' it?
- I have no idea!
Coffey! Come back! We need
the big arm to unhook the umbilical.
There's a goddamn hurricane coming!
- He switched off.
- It's unbelievable.
Go back down and tell those men
to get below and stay there!
We need to get unhooked
and get out of here now!
- All right. Do it, then.
- No problem, except your boys
went sightseeing with Flatbed. My people
need Flatbed to get unhooked at their end.
- Back in two hours.
- Two hours?!
We're gonna get the shit kicked out of us
by our pal Fred in two hours!
OK. Set cold tab fitting to 200psi.
- Set.
- There she goes.
- She's breakin'loose.
- Bringin'her up.
All right.
Clear the hatch.
Go on with it.
Go on. That's it. Up.
Sir, the missile looks intact.
Little is known about the events
leading up to the collision.
The US Navy guided missile cruiser Appleton
apparently struck the Soviet Udaloy class
destroyer in low visibility conditions.
In violent seas, little hope remains
for over 100 Russian crewmen,
still missing after the sinking an hour ago.
Soviet military spokesmen