What the hell...?
We just lost all the topside feeds!
Shit! Get 'em on the UQC.
- Any damage on the hull?
- Bud!
- We lost the crane!
- Say again. What?
The crane! We've lost the crane!
It's on its way down to you!
All right, everybody!
Everybody rig for impact!
Close all the exterior hatches!
Let's move it! Let's go! Go!
- Wait!
- Get in here!
- What the hell is goin' on around here?!
- I don't know!
You two help secure the rig! Let's go!
One Night! Get the hell outta there!
The crane's comin' down!
I'm OK. I'm clear, Bud.
I've got it! It's headed straight for us!