The Little Mermaid

It was an accident.
Where are you going?

Ariel, what are you doing
here with this riffraff?

I'm going to see Ursula.
Ariel, no! No!
She's a demon. She's a monster.

Why don't you go tell my father?
You're good at that.

But-- But, I--
Come on!

This way.
Come in.
Come in, my child.

We mustn't lurk in doorways.
It's rude.

One might question
your upbringing.

Now, then, you're here...
because you have a thing for this human,
this, uh, prince fellow.

Not that I blame you.
He is quite a catch, isn't he?

Well, angelfish...
the solution to
your problem is simple.

The only way to get what you want
is to become a human yourself.

Can you do that?
My dear, sweet child.
That's what I do.

It's what I live for:
to help unfortunate merfolk
like yourself...

poor souls with
no one else to turn to.
