The Little Mermaid

Someone couldn't
pay the price

And I'm afraid I had to
rake 'em across the coals

Yes, I've had
the odd complaint

But on the whole
I've been a saint

To those poor
unfortunate souls

Now, here's the deal.
I will make you a potion that will
turn you into a human for three days.

Got that? Three days.
Now, listen,
this is important.

Before the sun sets
on the third day...

you've got to get dear old princie
to fall in love with you.

That is,
he's got to kiss you.

Notjust any kiss--
the kiss of true love.

If he does kiss you before
the sun sets on the third day...

you'll remain human

But if he doesn't,
you'll turn back into a mermaid...

and... you belong to me!
No, Ariel!
Have we got a deal?
If I become human, I'll never be
with my father or sisters again.

That's right'
But you'll have your man.
Life's full of
tough choices, isn't it?

Oh! And there is
one more thing.

We haven't discussed
the subject of payment.

You can't get something
for nothing, you know.

- But I don't have any--
- I'm not asking much.

Just a token really, a trifle.
You'll never even miss it.

What I want from you
is your voice.

- My voice?
- You've got it, sweetcakes.

No more talking, singing.

But without my voice,
how can I--

You'll have your looks,
your pretty face.
