The next item up for bid
is an exquisite Japanese carving, circa 1700.
A rare relief of a Shinto goddess,
very richly detailed.
- The intricacies of the Orient...
- $10!
I have $10 from the premature young man
in the grey raincoat.
- Do I hear 15?
- 11.
$11. Ladies and gentlemen,
please, do I hear 15?
- 20.
- $20. I have $20, ladies and gentlemen.
Do I hear 25 for this
exceptionally exotic item?
- $30.
- 31.
$31. All right, I have $31,
ladies and gentlemen. Is this my final offer?
Ladies and gentlemen, 31, going once...
- $40.
- $40! 40. Do I hear 45?
- 50. Five-0.
- $50. I have $50. Do I hear 60?
- $50, going once. Going twice.
Sold... to the pretty lady in the white sweater.
- Do you know how much it's worth?
- Doesn't matter. I'm not selling.
Well, I guess I have a good eye.
I gotta catch the last ferry.
Wait a minute. Let me carry that for you.
Here. Put this on.