You wrote this, Mr Rose?
Excuse me, Mr Thurmont, you tiny,
little, worm-like, infinitesimal prick,...
..could I have a word with my wife, please?
If this is a who-can-sink-lowest-fastest
contest, you won.
By showing him my letter,...
..you have sunk below
the deepest layer of prehistoric frog shit...
..at the bottom of a New Jersey scum swamp.
I may have let you have the house,
but now...
..you'll never get it.
You will never get that house.
Do you understand?
You will never get that house.
- We'll see.
- Yeah... we'll see.
Maybe I shouldn't have
let you see that letter.
Dear girl, by the time this is all over,...
..you'll think of today
as one of your lighter moments.
What do you call 500 lawyers
at the bottom of the ocean?
An excellent start.
I used to resent jokes like that.
Now I see them as simple truths.
- Lawyers...
Honey, I can't talk right now.
I'm with a client.
Love you, miss you, want you... Bye!