- [ Engine Starts ]
- Thank you.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah.
- Oh, come on, man.
I can't sit here and smeII these
without havin' at Ieast one.
AII right, aII right,
aII right, aII right.
- Just make sure it's just one.
- Thank you.
[ Dustbuster Whirring ]
- How many days do you have Ieft ?
- [ Whirring Stops ]
- Three.
- Good. Real good.
- Why ? Am I getting on your nerves ?
- Oh, no.
I mean, I really appreciate your
showing me the ropes this week--
lettin' me ride around
in your nice, clean car,
and treating me Iike
a fuII-fledged detective.
- Investigator.
- Whatever. But, Scott, when
are you going to Iearn to relax ?
- I am relaxed.
- Mm-mm.
I'm not talkin' about the smaII "R."
I'm talkin' about the big "R."
You know, "Top of OId Smoky."
- You mean, when am I going to get Iaid?
- Hey.
Oh, weII, I-- It's already been
four times this morning.
I'm exhausted.
[ Men Chattering ]
[ Man ] Okay, come on, boys.
Mama's gonna be mad.
- Mr Boyett.
- Hey, Scott. How are you doing ?
I hear we're Iosing you.
Ah, yeah, 'fraid so, 'fraid so. This
is David Sutton. He'II be replacing me.
- Mister Boyett.
- Come on, boys.
Uh, we came down to teII you that--
That they found your dinghy
over in Moss Landing.
You should send somebody
to go pick it up.
Yeah, weII, thanks. I never thought
I'd get to see that again.
Hey, Scott, could you, uh,
show the boys your, uh, badge ?
- They never saw
a detective's badge before.
- Sure.
- He's a detective ?
- [ Scott ] Nope, an investigator.
- I don't know, Dad.
Looks kind of fake to me.
- [ Boyett ] Fake ?
Hey, kid, you wanna
spend some time in jail ?
- Cute kids.
- Yeah, weII, yeah. Kids.
[ Man ]
Need four hands !