[ Snarling, Barking,
Indistinct Shouting ]
[ Female Officer ]
Turn it around. Whoa, whoa, whoa !
[ Male Officer ]
PuII, puII, puII !
- Get him around. Easy, easy, easy !
- Here he is ! Here he is !
Oh, my God !
Whoa !
Back him up.
Bad dog !
[ Screams ]
[ Female Officer ] Good boy, good boy.
Come on, this way. Over here, boy.
Whoa ! Oh ! Oh !
- Oh ! Whoa ! SIow down, boy.
- [ Sniffing ]
[ Whining, Barking ]
This-- This dog's nuts.
- We're gonna have to shoot him.
- Hey, you're not gonna shoot this dog.
He's the closest thing
we have to a witness.
Oh, yeah ? You think
you can handle him ?
You're nuts.
Where are you goin' ?
He just responds poorly to anger,
that's aII.
- Uh, David !
- What ?
David, bring the car around.
Up as close as you can. Open up the back
doors and Ieave the engine running.
Hey, there, Hooch.
Hey, you s--
You saw the whole thing, didn't ya ?
- [ Snarls ]
- Yeah, weII, Amos is gone now, so, uh--
You don't have a Iot of options.
Okay ? You are either gonna work
with me, or they're gonna shoot you.
Come on. What I'm gonna do is,
I'm gonna try--
I'm go-- I'm gonna try
to make you a Iittle more--
a Iittle more comfortable, huh ?
[ Grunting ]
Oh, don't you just want to
think about it ? [ Panting ]
Huh ? Huh ? Here. Here. Here.
Watch. Watch. Watch.
Uh, how do you do this ?
[ Grunting ]
Let me just... make ya a Iittle...
more-- Oh, there.
There, there. Isn't that nice ?
Think about it.
Maybe we'll get some nice big
chocolate chip cookies.
Yeah. Nice big box of
chocolate chip cookies.
The soft kind ? The kind
with the 22 chips ? Want a cookie ?