[ Barks ]
- [ Helpless Chuckling ]
- [ Barks ]
[ Groaning ]
- [ Howling ]
- [ Sighing ]
A-AII right. AII right. AII right.
You teII me what I'm supposed to do.
You teII me what I am supposed to do.
What am I supposed to do ?
You teII me.
What am I supposed to do ?
What am I supposed to do, Hooch ?
Am I supposed to stand out
on the porch aII night Iong ?
- [ Groaning ]
- [ Man ] Give him a Valium, Turner.
Take one yourself.
Hey, shut up !
I'm a policeman.
Gu-- Want your car towed ?
Man, I hate you.
[ Mumbling ]
Oh, no !
Aah ! You !
Aw, ya stupid dog !
Ah, ya stupid dog !
[ Barking ]
[ Muffled ]
Oh, you wanna chew my head off ?
Go ahead. You'II be trapped inside
and you'II starve to death.
That is, if they don't find
my body first and then shoot you.
You're in my house.
Back off. I'm comin' in.
- [ Growling ]
- Back off, Hooch !
Back off.
[ Growling, Panting ]