They're trained to do that
in Special Forces.
WeII, that wasn't in the report.
How did you know that ?
I'm a professional investigator.
It's my business to know these things.
I caIIed the coroner and he told me.
Hey, feIIas.
How much do you think we could get
for aII of the furniture
here in the office ?
Or I got a better idea, how about
we seII a couple of squad cars,
startin' with yours first, Turner ?
- Is there a problem, Howard ?
- WeII, yeah. There sure is.
I mean, the county crime Iab wanted
to charge me 7,280 for this stuff.
Now, suppose I send aII of this in,
who do you suggest I Iay off ?
Hmm ?
Katie. Katie wouldn't mind
making the sacrifice, would you, Katie ?
- I've sacrificed enough for you, Tur--
- Oh, hey !
- We'II thin this out, Howard.
I'II go through it.
- PIease.
Don't worry. I'II thin it out.
Howard. It's fine.
Oh, no, no, no !
You're eatin' the car !
Don't eat the car !
Not the car !
Oh, what am I yeIIin' at you for ?
You're a dog.
- Don't understand a word I'm sayin'.
- [ Panting ]
What does it matter anyway ?
This car is gonna be David Sutton's
in a couple of days.
Here. You hungry ? Here.
Here's an ashtray. Eat that.
[ Car Engine Starting.
Motor Revving ]
[ Sighing ] You know,
it's a terrible thing about Amos.
I'm Iockin' my door tonight,
for the first time in years.
Oh, now, don't-don't do that.
We'II-We'II catch the guy.