Turner & Hooch

Get back. Get back.
You, you go ahead. Not you.
No, no, no. Come on.

Not you, just her.
Get back in the car.

Wait a minute, what am I doin' ?
What am I doin' ?

Go ahead, Hooch.
Go ahead. Go. Go !

[ Whispering ] Go.
Go. Go ahead. Go, boy, go.

FoIIow her. FoIIow her, boy.
She wants ya, man !

This is why she's doin' this,
so you'II foIIow her. In. In. In.

Go in, go in, go in.
[ Emily ]

- Scott Turner, right ?
- Yeah, I was Iookin' for my dog.
Have you seen him ?

[ Laughs ] Yeah, I noticed.
You know anything about fuses ?

- EIectrical fuses ?
- Uh, yeah. Can you come in ?

For two minutes ?
Just two minutes.

- A fuse box ? Sure.
- Come in.

- Bedroom Iight is on !
- Huh ? What ?

- What ?
- Bedroom Iight is on !

So teII me when
the bathroom Iight goes on.

Mm, aII right !
[ Emily ]
Hey !

- Hey !
- Uh, no, not yet.

[ Rustling ]
[ Chuckles ]
Uh, Iook, thank you, but, uh--

The-The-- Your Iights are on. This is
going to take you aII night, you know.

No, actuaIIy, I just quit.
- You were gonna Ieave it Iike this ?
- Yes.

- Oh.
- I'm gonna start again tomorrow, but--

WeII, you, ah, don't have
to help, but there's...

a couple of roIIers there,
and an extra brush.

- This really bothers you.
- This would make me nuts, yeah.

It's harder to cut it in a big town
than it is in a smaII town.

Aw, that's a crock.
- Oh ?
- In a big town, you're anonymous.
