And I have to walk CamiIIe.
Do you want to take a walk with me ?
- Uh, no. No.
- No ?
No, no, no. WeII, you see,
I'm, I'm starting to Iike you.
And if we go on a walk,
I'm just going to Iike you even more.
And then, one day,
we might even end up in Iove,
and everything wiII go along fine,
for a while, but,
but then, one day, bang, you're gonna
caII me a selfish, compulsive bastard.
And you're going to puII your hair out,
and you're gonna scream,
and you're gonna say
you never want to see me again,
because I drive you crazy.
And I'm Ieft shattered.
Now who needs that ? Good night.
Hooch !
What time do you want to tackle
that haIIway tomorrow night ?
'Bout 7:00 ?
[ Sighs ]
[ Whimpers ]
[ SIobbers, Moans ]
[ Car Door SIams ]
[ Hammering ]
[ CIears Throat ]
Good night, Houdini.
[ Choking, Coughing ]
[ Panting ]