Turner & Hooch

If I Ieave you in the car,
you're just gonna eat the rest of it.

Come on.
- [ Barking ]
- [ Woman ] Oh !

Turner, what the heII is that ?
- Come here.
- You can't bring a dog in here.

Uh, can you,
uh, Iift up this desk ?

- [ Panting ]
- [ Groans ]

Something different about you.
I Iike to think so, yeah.
Oh, I know what it is.
No tie.

This is the first time
since I've known you that
you haven't worn a tie on the job.

- Turner ?
- Yeah ?

- The dog's in the window siII.
- Oh. Hooch, get down from there.

- [ Chattering ]
- Hooch.

[ Growls, Barks ]
WeII, what can I do, Katie ?
The dog Ioves weddings.

[ Barking ]
[ Continues Barking ]
[ Barking Continues ]
- Hooch, knock it off.
- [ Hooch Growling ]

[ Growling, Barking ]
- [ Barking ]
- Hooch, shut up.

Shut up, Hooch.
Come on, shut up !

- [ Barking Continues ]
- You ought to get the heII out of here.

[ Officers CIamouring ]
[ Katie ]
Be careful !

- Ooh !
- [ Barking ]
