Uncle Buck

''Melanoma Head's'' coming.
I'm sor-- Uncle, Maizy Russell's uncle.
I'm her uncle.

Her mother set up
this conference with you.

I'm assistant principal here...
as you've probably noticed
from the indications on the door.

- This door?
- The outer door!

The outer door.
'Cause there's nothing on this one.

That's about enough ofthat.
I've been an educator
for 31 .3 years...

and in that time,
I've seen a lot of bad eggs.

I say ''eggs'' because
at the elementary level...

we are not dealing
with fully-developed individuals.

I see a bad egg
when I look at your niece.

She is a twiddler, a dreamer...
a silly heart
and she is a jabberbox.

And, frankly...
I don't think she takes a thing...
in her life or her career
as a student seriously.

She's only six.
That is not a valid excuse!
I hear that every day and I dismiss it.

I don't want to know a six-year-old
who isn't a dreamer or a silly heart.

I sure don't want to know one who
takes their student career seriously.

I don't have a college degree.
I don't even have a job.

Does anyone have a special story
to tell about something that happened?

My uncle was microwaving my socks...
and the dog threw up on the couch
for about an hour.

Honest? Why was your uncle
microwaving your socks?

He can't get the goddamn
washing machine to work.

Iknowagoodkid when Isee one.
Because they're aIIgoodkids...
untiIdried-out, brain-deadskags
