When Harry Met Sally...

- We fell in love in high school.
- Yeah, we were high-school sweethearts.

But then after our junior year
his parents moved away.

- But I never forgot her.
- He never forgot me.

No, her face was burned on my brain.
And it was 34 years later
that I was walking down Broadway

and I saw her come out of Toffenetti's.
We both looked at each other,
and it was just as though
not a single day had gone by.

She was just as beautiful
as she was at sixteen.

He was just the same.
He looked exactly the same.
Joe! I thought it was you.
I thought it was you.

- Harry Burns.
- Harry. How ya doin'?

- Good. How you doin'?
- Fine. I'm doin' fine.

I was just walking by
and I thought it was you.

Yeah, it was.
- You still with the DA's office?
- No, I switched to the other side. You?

I work with a small firm. We do
political consulting. Yeah, it's great.

Harry, this is Sally Albright. Harry Burns.
Harry and I, we used to...
We lived in the same building.
