When Harry Met Sally...

- Which part?
- All of it.

- You were gonna show me a book cover.
- Yeah, it's in the den.

Julian, help yourself.
Have some more wine, whatever, OK?

I like saying den. Got a nice ring to it.
Emily's a little young for Harry,
don't you think?

Well, she's young,
but look what she's done.

What has she done? She makes desserts.
- Does Julian seem a little stuffy to you?
- He's a good guy. You should talk to him.

He's too tall to talk to.
She makes 3,500
chocolate-mousse pies a week.

Emily is "Aunt Emily"?
He took us to a Met game last week.
It was great.

- You all went to a Met game together?
- Yeah, but it was a last-minute thing.

But Sally hates baseball.
Harry doesn't even like sweets.
Julian is great.
I know. He's a grown-up.
- Emily is terrific.
- Yeah. But when I asked where she was

when Kennedy was shot,
she said "Ted Kennedy was shot?"

- Hello?
- Are you alone?

Yeah. I was just finishing a book.
- Could you come over?
- What's the matter?

- He's getting married.
- Who?

I'll be right there.
- Hi.
- Are you all right?

Come on in.
- I'm sorry to call you so late.
- It's all right.

- I need a Kleenex!
- OK.

He just called me up,
"Wanted to see how you were",

"Fine. How are you?" "Fine."
His secretary's on vacation,
everything's all backed up.

He's got a big case in Newark,
blah, blah, blah.
