The sick one is in the viIIage.
The work wiII be done here.
- We've brought a cock!
- Get it!
Here's the cock!
There's nothing wrong
with your chiId,
someone has stoIen her souI.
I see an oId, oId woman...
it's a witch...
I toId you!
You must drive her
from the viIIage...
but sacrifices must
be performed... a buII,
a Iamb, fifty coins...
I know who he is,
he just wants to swindIe you...
That's enough, drunkard!
Then it wiII be your probIem...
Thank you for your heIp...
The oId woman wiII be
chased from the viIIage.
I wiII wait for you this evening...
at the setting of the sun.
We wiII be there.
Let's go!