Young Einstein

-What would you like to do?
-You speak English. Splendid.

Preston Preston...
of the Perth Prestons.
Young Newton.
Isn't this unbelievable?
I, myself, am in the scientific field.
Dozens of scientists come
into my office every day.

Of course, I have to turn
most of them down.

Yes. Science has always
held a fascination for me.

For example, do you know
how a gramophone works?

It's really very simple.
The little needle
picks up these vibrations....

What the devil is the engine driver up to?
Stopping the train
in the middle of a desert. Sacré bleu.

Anyway, where was I?
-Very small....

Now, these tiny little vibrations...
are caused by dozens of grooves
which are cut into the disc...

and they go all the way up the arm
to a great big horn which amplifies it.

You know, makes it louder! Like this.
And voilĂ . A song. See?
Good day.
I'm sorry. Oh, my God.
It's just a little snake.
It's a lizard.
Now, sound.
How can I describe it to you?
Sound is like big waves at the beach,
you see...
