With en suite bathroom.
That was excitement.
Are you having a good time?
Yes, thank you.
The Marriage of Figaro.
That last piece was, of course, where
Madame Butterfly emerges from the duck.
It was moving.
Preston, do you remember
that strange man from the train?
-Albert Einstein.
-The bushman?
Yes. What about him?
I've been thinking about his theory.
That. Marie, don't waste your time.
Indecipherable nonsense.
Poor beggar probably thought...
he could bring it to Sydney
and sell it for a fortune.
I think it is most remarkable.
Imagine. Splitting atoms.
And such primitive equipment.
Yes, a good trick, I suppose.
But really, Marie...
one scientist to another...
bubble research.
It's not that stimulating, now, is it?
On the contrary, Preston.
I think his formula
has enormous potential.
It's worthless, of course,
but why don't you leave it with us?