
These herbs not to eat.
Not? Well, what then?
Wait until midnight.
Then burn these herbs in teacup.

- Burn them in a teacup?
- You do have teacup?

Yes, yes.
Meanwhile, you are going
to pick up children from school?

No. I was gonna have the baby-sitter do it.
I have another appointment.

- It's good to see you.
- You, too.

- How's Doug?
- He's fine. I'm so happy for you, Nancy.

- Thank you.
- This is great.

- I got your flowers.
- Oh, good.

- It was very sweet.
- It was nothing.

Just a few months ago
we were on the beach in Southampton.

You were daydreaming about moving up.
And look, here you are. A big shot.

Tell him I'll be in later.
I'm so jammed. Meetings with writers,
lunch at NBC, and screenings till eight.

- Goodness.
- Anyhow, Alice, what can I do for you?

OK. Well, over the years,
certain ideas have occurred to me.

I've always felt, if they were written up,
they might make good shows, or a series.

- Uh-huh.
- I wanted to get your opinion on the plot.

And if you think it's something
for your show, I'd like to write it.

- You write?
- I wrote a little when I was young.

- You know, nothing major, obviously.
- You kept it a secret if you wrote.

Well, I'd like to try. I'd like to try.
- I did work on some shows years ago.
- Wasn't that in the costume department?

Yeah, but, you know, at least
I did have some contact with the theatre.

Uh-huh. So what's your idea?
Because the truth is, I'm backed up today.

Oh. OK. Well, it's about two sisters
who were very close as kids.

And now that they're adults,
they've grown apart.

- Like you and your sister.
- Me?

Aren't you and Dorothy polite
but not so friendly?

Well, gee, I never even thought of that.
