50 bucks in his wallet,
sunglasses and some keys.
- We still haven't found his gun.
- Shit!
Cates took down one of the locals.
A slug hit one of the gas pumps.
He burned the bad guy to a crisp.
Jack claims it was a righteous shoot.
Man, l hate these lAD scumbags.
Blake Wilson, lnternal Affairs.
l'm always running into you, Jack.
Give us a minute, fellas.
- What did you do now?.
- l was on a stakeout.
- l was real close to nailing...
- Close? The lceman, right?
l'm getting real close.
l'll nail these guys.
Every case you can't solve
you pin on the lceman.
The biggest dealer in the Bay Area.
No prints, no description.
You're the only cop
who believes he exists.
l'll let you in on a secret.
There is no lceman.
Let's get back to the cold facts.
What the hell happened here?
l saw an exchange. l moved in.
He had a piece. He shot. l shot back.
- You got the bad guy's gun?
- lt's got to be in the ashes.
- Cruise, what have you got?
- Some burnt metal off the pump.
- No gun?
- No, no gun.
A cop is a guy, and a guy
sometimes steps on his dick.
Do you think maybe
you were pushing too hard?
Did you step on your dick?.
He had a piece.
He shot. l shot back.
Have the lab boys go over every inch
of this place. lf there's a gun, l want it.