That's one lucky guy. l'd like to
follow him around a racetrack.
You know what he was in jail for?.
That son of a bitch is a child molester.
He's involved in kiddie porn. l've got
to get him to San Francisco tonight.
He'll identify the kingpin. lf l don't get
him there tonight, the kingpin walks.
You want a ride in a Cadillac?
l've been having a fucked-up day.
The last thing l want to see is you.
l'm just trying to help you out.
You could always catch a bus.
You had a lot of luck on the last one.
Do me a favour. Stay away from me.
l'm sorry, Reg.
They released you in my custody.
- Have you seen those bikers before?
- Where's my money?.
You tell me why the lceman wants
you dead, you'll get your money.
- Ask the guy you got my picture off.
- He can't talk. l killed him.
- Do they pay you by the pound?
- He shot at me first.
- Only we can't find his gun.
- Are you looking for sympathy?.
l'm supposed to be in Florida running
my uncle's used-car business.
lnstead l'm broke, l was shot at, l was
in a bus that flipped over 20 times,
l broke my walkman and l was hit
by a big truck. So leave me alone.
Life's tough. l ran into your friends.
They shot me in the chest six times.
- You don't look bad for a dead man.
- l was wearing one of these.
- Why?.
- l knew l was going to see you.
l wouldn't want to get killed by
a stray bullet that was meant for you.
You think l should get one?
They're about $750. That's more than
they gave you when they let you out.