- l hope you got my Porsche.
- l said l'd take real good care of it.
That don't mean nothing. You said
we had a deal and you fucked me.
You fucked yourself.
You stole the prison payroll.
- l checked into it.
- l was framed.
Yeah, some convict got a guard
to put the money in your cell.
- Sure you got framed.
- What about you?
They never found that guy's gun
out at the racetrack.
- l'm a cop. You're a crook.
- So everything l say is a goddam lie?
Just take me to my car.
l'm through with you.
What's wrong, does your arm hurt?
Does it hurt bad? Good.
We've got a problem here, slick.
l didn't hire these hillbillies,
so don't come complaining to me.
Yes, plan B.
We've got an ex-Marine on the case.
The only problem is,
he's a hillbilly, too.
Right, later.
- How much money did you spend?
- About 25 grand.
- You said l could buy a new car.
- Where is it?
- This is a new car.
- This is the same old piece of shit.
l bought the same model, year, colour.
That's the way l like it.
You got the same car, same clothes.
- You got the same girl, too?
- Elaine?
- Hell, l don't want to talk about this.
- Keep it all balled up like a knot.
She married me about
five years ago in City Hall.
She figured she'd settle me down.
This was where we lived
till we split up.
l want to sell it. Twelve grand
of yours went for the down payment.