Another 48 Hrs.

Jack, are you okay?.
You giving him a ticket?
Good, he hates cops.

- He does?
- Yeah. l rode here with him.

He said cops are pussies
who hide behind their badges.

He said he didn't care
if it was a no-parking zone.

He said
that any cop could kiss his ass.

Your friend's not too smart.
He's a big dumb-ass cop
named Jack Cates.

Tell Cates to stop parking here.
Hello, Jack.
The motorcycle track, then the diner,
and now a bomb at your house.

The lceman has been busy.
l'm not here to argue with you.
l'm here to support you.

However, as supervisor of
lnternal Affairs, l have to tell you

that you're on suspension
until the hearing tomorrow.

So give me that gun
and badge and police lD.

Yeah, right.
l'll bet you think l enjoy this.
Jack, do me a favour,
go home and get some sleep.

l've got to go
and make out some reports.

l don't mind people checking up
on cops. We're not above the law.

But making cops do it is bad
for morale. lt's bad for cops.

Civilians ought to do it.
You're a real chickenshit, Wilson.
