The incident.
It's like it happened yesterday.
Nobody remembers anything
from when they were two.
It's my first memory.
I can envision the crib,
all around me, clear as day.
I can still feel the feeling of waking up.
Just drowsy, peaceful, secure,
then there it was.
- Probably just a daddy longlegs.
- It seemed huge.
It just came relentlessly,
crawling through the bars of the crib.
- As it touched my bare leg...
- I know, you were just wearing a diaper.
All my limbs involuntarily froze.
You were probably still half-asleep.
I was paralysed, Molly.
I still get paralysed.
Try to understand how this makes me feel.
I was physically unable to stop it
from crawling along my naked skin.
I can still
feel its hairy little legs just...
Then up to my face.
It's the feeling
of utter helplessness.
Being explored by an alien thing,
that's all.
Can you blame me
for being a spider- phobe?
You see it up there,
right beyond the ladder.
Impressive, huh?
Therapy, right?