I could have killed one of you.
The nails came straight...
It's all rotten down there.
My wine cellar is...
It's probably crawling with termites.
I'm surprised
we haven't fallen through the floor.
I'll call the exterminator.
You're rather casual
about the death of my dream.
I've been trying to reach Margaret
to thank her
and her line's been busy all morning.
She's probably gabbing.
- You want me to...
- Would you?
I'll go over and check on her.
So what do you think, doc?
Heart attack.
Bound to happen, rather sooner than later.
She had a history of high blood pressure.
- Even with the pills I put her on...
- I took her off those.
What right did you have to do that?
She came to me. As a patient.
You didn't notice she was hypertensive?
Her diastolic reading was normal.
Her systolic elevation was below 160.
- If you'd stayed current...
- This is a very serious matter, young man.
- You may well have killed this woman.
- I don't think so. She was in fine shape.
- I want an autopsy.
- Never.
Look, she was my patient.
And mine for 40 years.
Margaret wouldn't want to be butchered.
And nobody here would want that for her.