Does he ever speak to you?
- Of course not. Not in words.
- He speaks to you in other ways?
How do you mean?
- You do not have children.
- No.
If you did, you would know.
It says "atypical schizophrenia".
"Atypical hysteria", this one.
"Atypical nerve impairment".
"No change since last examination. "
"No change or therapy recommended. "
Very nice.
This one is "No change", dated 9/11/44.
That is 25 years.
At a point all these atypical somethings
ought to amount to a typical something.
But a typical what?
Doctor, do you want to go for
a cup of coffee or something?
Normally, I would say yes,
but I made other plans.
- Some other time.
- Yes.