- Have you got any idea how expensive?
- Yes, I talked to Ray.
I have an estimate...
The pharmacist says giving all the rest
the same dosage as Mr. Lowe would be -
- 12,000.
- How much?
- $12,000.
A month?
I cannot go before the board with that.
How about speaking
directly to the patrons?
They already give what they can.
We must convince them to give more
than they are accustomed to.
- Perhaps, if they see Mr. Lowe.
- You overestimate his effect on people.
We are talking about money.
There was an extreme rigidity
of the axial musculature.
This is a gross impairment
of the postural reflexes.
It is a brain stem type of rigidity.
A meningismus.
What is most striking is
the profound facial masking -
- which we now know is not to be
confused with apathy or catatonia.
Less scientific.
Calm down!
Some things could reach him, though.
The mention of his name,
notes of a particular piece of music.