Back to the Future Part III

"Remember to walk him twice a day
and that he only likes canned dog food.

"These are my wishes.
Please respect and follow them.

"And so, Marty, I now say farewell
and wish you Godspeed.

"You've been a good,
kind, and loyal friend to me...

"...and you made a real difference
in my life.

"I will always treasure our relationship
and think of you with fond memories...

"...warm feelings and a special place
in my heart.

"Your friend in time, Doc Emmett L. Brown.
"September 1, 1885."
I never knew I could write
anything so touching.

I know, it's beautiful.
It's all right, Copernicus. Everything will be fine.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault you're stuck back there.

I never should've let Biff get to me.
There are plenty worse places to be
than the Old West.

I could have ended up in the Dark Ages.
They probably would have burned me
at the stake as a heretic.

Let's look at the map.
According to this, the time vehicle
is sealed off in a side tunnel.

We may have to blast.
I think you woke up the dead with that blast.
Take this camera. I want to document everything!
This reminds me of the time I attempted
to reach the center of the Earth.

I'd been reading my favorite author,
Jules Verne.

I spent weeks preparing that expedition.
I didn't even get this far.

Of course, I was only 12 at the time.
You know, it was the writings of Jules Verne...
...that had a profound effect on my life.
When I was 11, I first read
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

It was then that I realized
I must devote my life to science.

Check it out. Look at this.
My initials!
