What do you mean, Doc?
All the best stuff is made in Japan.
You know, when I was a kid,
I always wanted to be a cowboy.
Now, knowing I'm spending my future
in the past...
...it sounds like a wonderful way
to spend my retirement years.
It just occurred to me, since I end up in 1885...
...perhaps I'm now in the history books.
I wonder.
Could I look myself up
in the old newspaper archives?
I don't know.
You always say it's not good
to know too much about your own destiny.
You're right, Marty. I know too much already.
Better that I not attempt to uncover
the circumstances of my own future.
Copernicus. Come on, boy!
I'll get him.
Come on. Let's go home, boy.
What's wrong?
What's wrong, Copernicus?
Come on, let's go.
Doc, come here!
What's wrong?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
You're not far off, Doc.
Great Scott!
Check this out.
"Died September 7, 1885."
That's one week after you wrote the letter!
"Erected in eternal memory
by his beloved Clara."
Who the hell is Clara?
- Please don't stand there!
- Right. Sorry.
I have to get another picture.
"Shot in the back by Buford Tannen
over a matter of $80"?
What kind of a future do you call that?
"Buford Tannen was a notorious gunman...
"...whose short temper and a tendency to drool...
"...earned him the nickname 'Mad Dog. '