Turn that valve over there,
all the way to the right.
Yeah, pull it all the way around.
Let's gol
Ice tea?
No, thanks.
It's a refrigerator.
I guess Miss Clayton
will have to find other transportation.
If I never meet her, there's no possibility
of a romantic infatuation.
- You're the doc.
- All right.
We'll get the DeLorean and get back to the future.
I tore a hole in the gas tank
when I was landing...
...so we'll have to patch it up
and get some gas.
You mean, we're out of gas?
Yeah. It's no big deal.
We've got Mr. Fusion, right?
Mr. Fusion powers the time circuits
and the flux capacitor.
But the internal combustion engine
runs on ordinary gasoline.
It always has.
There won't be a gas station around here
until sometime in the next century.
Without gasoline,
we can't get the DeLorean up to 88 mph.
So what do we do?
- Twenty-four!
- It's no use, Marty!
Even the fastest horse in the world
won't run more than 35, 40 miles an hour!
Bartender said that's the strongest stuff they got.
Try it, Marty.
Give it more gas!