Back to the Future Part III

That's what I thought. A yellow-belly.
Nobody calls me yellow.
Then let's finish it. Right now.
Not now, Buford. Marshal's got our guns.
Like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow!
Tomorrow we're robbing the Pine City stage.
What about Monday?
We doing anything Monday?

Monday would be fine.
You can kill him on Monday.

I'll be back this way on Monday.
We'll settle this then.

Right there, out in the street...
:57:37 front of the Palace Saloon.
Yeah, right. When?
High noon?

I do my killing before breakfast. 7:00!
8:00. I do my killing after breakfast.
[Whispering] Marty!
Break it up.
What's all this about?
You causing trouble here, Tannen?

No trouble, Marshal.
Just a little personal matter
between me and Eastwood.

This don't concern the law.
Tonight, everything concerns the law.
Break it up.

Any brawling, it's 15 days in the county jail.
All right, folks. This is a party.
Come on! Let's have some fun!

8:00 Monday, runt.
If you ain't here, I'll hunt you
and shoot you down like a duck.

It's "dog." Shoot him down like a dog.
Let's go, boys!
Let these sissies have their party!
What are you doing, saying you'll meet Tannen?
Don't worry about it.
Monday morning we'll be gone.

Theoretically, yes. But what if the train's late?
- We'll discuss this later.
- We'll discuss it now.

- Thank you for your gallantry.
- Ma'am.

Had you not interceded,
Emmett might have been shot.
