Do you think we'll ever travel to the moon...
...the way we travel
across the country on trains?
Definitely. Although not for 84 years,
and not on trains.
We'll have space capsules sent aloft
with rockets...
...devices that create giant explosions
so powerful they just...
That they break the pull of gravity
and send the projectile to outer space.
I read that book, too!
You're quoting Jules Verne,
From the Earth to the Moon.
You've read Jules Verne?
- I adore Jules Verne.
- So do I.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
My absolute favorite.
The first time I read that as a little boy,
I wanted to meet Captain Nemo.
Don't tease. You couldn't have read that
when you were a boy.
It was only first published 10 years ago.
Yes. I meant it made me feel like a boy.
I never met a woman
who liked Jules Verne before.
I never ever met a man like you before.