Back to the Future Part III

- This is for your coffin.
- My coffin?

The odds are running 2-1 against you.
Might as well be prepared.
So it may not be my name...
...that's going to be on this tombstone.
It may be yours.

- Great Scott.
- I know, this is heavy.

Why are you wearing that gun? You're
not considering going up against Tannen?

Tomorrow morning I'm going
back to the future with you.

But if Buford Tannen comes looking for trouble,
I'll be ready for him.

You heard what that son of a bitch called me.
You can't lose your judgment over names.
That's exactly what causes you
to get in that accident in the future.

What? What about my future?
I can't tell you. It might make things worse.
Wait a minute.
What is wrong with my future?
We all have to make decisions
that affect the course of our lives.

You've got to do what you've got to do...
...and I've got to do what I've got to do.
- Marty.
- Yeah?

I've made a decision.
I'm not going with you tomorrow.
I'm staying here.
What are you talking about?
There's no point in denying it.
- I'm in love with Clara.
- Oh, man.

We don't belong here.
Neither one of us.
It could still be you that gets shot tomorrow.
This tombstone could still be in your future.
Marty, the future isn't written.
It can be changed. You know that.
Anyone can make their future
whatever they want it to be.

I can't let this one little photograph
determine my entire destiny.

I have to live my life
according to what I believe is right...

:06:56 my heart.
Doc, you're a scientist.
