I have a board meeting in Detroit.
This won't take Iong.
Nothing for me.
No, maybe I'II have a Diet Coke.
Make that Evian water, please.
I'II have San PeIIegrino water. No ice.
Here's the deaI. There's no deaI.
- My client balked.
- What do you mean?
- She thinks her company's worth more.
- She thinks or you think?
On second thought, that Iooks interesting.
- Just tell us what you want and don't say--
- Smoked chicken?
I've got to make a phone caII.
It's just us here. What are you Iooking for?
I'm Iooking for a worId of fair pIay...
...where corporate big guys
don't always get their way.
Still beating up on your ex-husband?
You're gonna pay for that one.
Who's her husband?
Me and my big mouth.
Don't call me Pookie.
Sorry. I just meant to be affectionate.
What's the matter?
Nothing. I'm just in a meeting
and I don't have a lot of time.
Remember when you said you wanted
to have sex with me in a weird place?
How about Detroit?
Too kinky. Anyway, they're installing
my big screen on Sunday...
...and I have the MiIe High MaII
presentation in Denver next week.
- What will I do by myself in Detroit?
- Buy a Chevy. Prove you're American.
I don't Iove you, and I won't miss you.
Call me when you get there.
Mr. Sorenson and Mr. Diggs.
Go right in. Enjoy the party.