You gone to sleep under there?
God! Help me, Marvin!
Help me! Pull me out!
Get me out of here!
- Hold on!
- Help me.
Get me out!
Goddamn it!
Get this off of me!
What am I gonna do with no Iegs?
Look at you!
Something wrong with your brain?
I'm sorry. I gotta do something
to break up the monotony around here.
You're bored?
I'm bored as heII. Don't take it personaI.
I'm just a restIess guy.
That's the kind of guy I am.
That's why I traveI around so much.
I get it from my daddy. He's a traveIing
saIesman. SoId hairbrushes in Kentucky.
Thought you said your dad raised hogs
in Tennessee.
He raised hogs and he sold hairbrushes.
You'II buIIshit at the drop of a hat.
You can't say you never pulled
anybody's leg before.
I'II get it.
Thank you for that dinner invitation.
- May I heIp you, ma'am?
- UnIeaded, pIease.
- Hey, is that WJB on the radio?
- I have no idea.
Yep, that's what it is. That's a '60s station.
I Iisten to that one aII day.
You know what they say about the '60s,
don't you?
If you can remember them,
you wasn't there.
- Want me to check under the hood?
- No. It's rented.
You come to Detroit
and you rent a Beemer?
That's Iike going to Germany
and eating Jimmy Dean sausages.