I appreciate this.
I'II have to borrow your phone if it's okay.
Ice. I need pIenty of ice.
I'II get the ice. You go to the room.
It's the presidentiaI suite.
- Okay if I use your phone?
- I'II be there in a minute.
- Miss Graves?
- Mr. Takawaki!
Do IittIe party?
Yes. A party for girls.
Maybe next time?
I don't care if they've Ieft for the day.
I've got to get through to them.
Yes. The presidentiaI suite.
Operator? God!
- Rick?
- What?
Are you all right?
I've been shot in the butt.
Can you beIieve it?
- Can I come in?
- I'm naked. Can you handIe it?
I handIed it for a Iot of years.
I guess I can handIe it now.
It's my Iower back and my butt.
I think the peIIet passed through--
Hell, no. I took the dove off with a sander.
I reaIIy am anxious to hear this story.
I need some bandages,
antibiotic and some antiseptic.
Get shot often?
Only twice before.
Could you please help me?
Could you look at my butt?
You Ieave me at the aItar.