The mace! The mace!
Hurry up!
- Come on! Upstairs!
- Wait a minute! Get my purse.
- Hurry up!
- I can't do this, Rick.
What are you talking about?
This is what Lee lacocca does.
I'm very scared, Rick.
Since when did you start
wearing underpants?
Do I get to know what's going on
or do I get kiIIed for oId time's sake?
Follow me.
- I've got to know what's going on.
- So do I.
I'm supposedIy being protected
by the federaI government...
...but I think they're trying to do me in.
- Who are those men?
- Ex drug-enforcement agents.
I sent one to jaiI and couId send the other.
They want me and whoever's with me.
- Why?
- I testified against them. That's why.
- About what?
- It's a Iong story.
This is not a good time to talk about this.
My God!
Is that the VIP entrance?