Cadillac Man

You wanna come in or what?
Gorge, where are you going?
We're in!

I'm not going in there, Joey!
- Will you wait up, Lisa?
- Who's Lisa?

I don't know, Liza. Come on,
what are you saying here?

- You doing a Lisa?
- No, no! Wait!

I know the difference
between Lisa and Lila.

- You said Lisa!
- No, I did not, OK?

I don't know a Lisa.
I'm not doing a Lisa.

The only lisa I know
is the Mona Lisa.

Gorge, come on. You're
the only girl for me.

Come on, Gorge.
Your time's going to come.
I know what I'm talking about.

I don't want to be just
some stupid bimbo, Joey.

Bimbo? You know what a bimbo is?
It's a little elephant
with big ears.

Hey, come on. Listen,
your dos are gonna be...

the hottest thing in
this whole goddamn city.

You really think so?
Am I a loser?
Gorge, think I'm gonna
waste my time with a loser?

You know what a loser
looks like?

Loser looks like this.
I'd like to see
the Allante, please.

Please show me the Allante.
I love you, Joey.
I really do.

Legend, lover, salesman, right?
Take no prisoners today, Ben.

You got it.
What I got to do
this shit for?

- After you.
- No, apres vous.

He speaks French.
You and me, Moll. It's time
we got something going.
