My only hope is that it doesn't last.
He thinks he's in love,
but he's fooling himself.
Do you think she loves him?
I'd say she doesn't.
She likes him. He's 40, in his prime.
He's given her so much more
than she's given him.
She's given him nothing.
What's worse, what she gives him is bad.
She's such a nasty person.
God knows I've tried,
but I've never been able...
...to agree with her about anything.
You'd think she was jealous.
Jealous of me,
jealous of my father and me.
It's absurd.
-Do you play piano?
-Not at all.
I'm not very good with my hands.
Songs of the Dawn, that's wonderful!
You know it?
It's Schumann's most beautiful piece.
Want to hear it?
Maybe it's a little late....
I think it's rather nocturnal,
despite the title.
If you're worried about the neighbors,
don't be.
A pianist lives upstairs, he'll understand.
Downstairs, it's offices.
-Do you have classes tomorrow?
-Not on Saturday.
I do, usually.
I get up at 8:00.
I'll try not to make any noise.
Sleep as late as you like,
I'll be back at noon.
In any case, I never sleep very late.
I'm warning you,
I've just started working on this piece.